Tito Mboweni teases a 'cookbook' and we don’t know how to feel about it

A few days ago, Mboweni tweeted a picture of the cookbook, Tito’s Cookbook, by Serbian author Anja Drulovic. Picture: @tito_mboweni/Twitter

A few days ago, Mboweni tweeted a picture of the cookbook, Tito’s Cookbook, by Serbian author Anja Drulovic. Picture: @tito_mboweni/Twitter

Published Feb 8, 2021


Many of us have been flexing our culinary muscles during lockdown. For some, it’s been a hobby to while away the hours while, for others, cooking has been a talent we never knew we possessed.

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni, for one, has been cooking up a storm and has been happy to share his creations with his more than 1 million Twitter followers.

On the odd occasion he gets it perfectly right. Other times, his legions of Twitter fans poke fun at his overuse of garlic and pilchards.

But, it’s his willingness to learn in the kitchen, that has made him more relatable outside politics.

Just a few days ago, Mboweni tweeted a picture of a cookbook, Tito’s Cookbook, by Serbian author Anja Drulovic.

The book, which was published in 2006, “is a compilation of Titova Kuharica’s favourite recipes, alongside images of him meeting international dignitaries including Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and the Kennedys, famous actors such as Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, and even ruthless dictator, Saddam Hussein,” says the description on Amazon.

A quick Google search shows Kuharica is a fictional character, but we don’t know what to make of Mboweni’s tweet.

Fellow Twitter user @nosipho_mkoko’s response sums up our reaction: “Please send me a copy cause I really want to know what went wrong with this chicken”

Judging by the comments that followed, the general consensus seemed to be the same.

Another tweep commented: “Recipe ~ Philchards Philchards Philchards Garlic Garlic Garlic the End.”

“You forgot Tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes,” responded another.

— 🍏Huka🍏🍏🍏 (@Nemavholam) February 5, 2021

Obviously there were those who didn’t get the joke, and insisted the minister concentrate on other things.

Whether or not the minister releases a cookbook, we’re guessing it’s going to be a hot seller, even if just for the gimmick value.

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tito mboweni