‘The Ultimatum: South Africa’ cast member Khanya labelled a ‘childhood bully’ in viral video

Khanya Nqolase. Picture: Instagram

Khanya Nqolase. Picture: Instagram

Published May 15, 2024


Since “The Ultimatum: South Africa” premiered on Netflix on Friday, May 10, viewers have taken to social media to criticise Khanya Nqolase for her jaw-dropping behaviour.

The 34-year-old has been labelled a “bully” on the reality show and now, according to a viral video on X, it seems as though she has a history of such behaviour.

In the post, the woman, who is referred to as Busiswa Stemele, shared her story about how she was bullied by Nqolase during their time at Erica Primary School in Port Elizabeth.

“Imagine seeing your childhood bully on a trending show in South Africa... I was watching ‘The Ultimatum SA’ and I saw this particular girl, and she looks familiar,” she explained in the video.

She also shared that after watching a few episodes of the show, she realised how she knew Nqolase.

“Khanya was my primary school bully... we were about 8 or 9, she was selfish, wants to get her own way, a bully of note, narcissistic to the core. I was so triggered, it took me back to a particular incident in primary school.”

She said that Nqolase never liked eating the lunch that was prepared for her, so she would make others eat it.

“She literally shoved a sandwich down my throat,” Stemele said in the video.

She said it’s been more than 20 years since the incident, but she still remembers it so clearly.

“The fact that she is still like that, I am shook, Khanya has not changed after so many years... Khanya never stayed long at the school, she kept getting in trouble. Her mom was in school every other day attending to Khanya’s matters.”

She added that Nqolase lived a street away from her and they shared the same transport to school but that she would also bully her in the vehicle.

“She is overwhelming, she’s rude, she’s mean, demeaning, she says derogatory things and she is not remorseful... If she does not get her way, she will make everyone’s life a living hell.”

Watch full video:

— Musa Khawula (@Musa_Khawula) May 14, 2024

After receiving backlash for her behaviour, Nqolase took to Instagram to apologise for it.

“I understand if some of you may feel like I was out of line with some of my words and actions. It was an intense experience for me and I handled it the best way I could...

“I have apologised already to those that I have wronged and would like to thank everybody for being so invested in the show and sharing their thoughts on the reality show,” read her post.

She also acknowledged that she has a strong personality.

“Making TV aside, we are dealing with real people and real emotions here. It’s in the past and a lot has happened since then, including healing and transformation.”

Meanwhile, Stemele shared in the viral video that she didn’t buy the apology.

“Girl, you know this is your personality, being a bully is who you are.”

∎ “The Ultimatum: South Africa” is currently streaming on Netflix.