Where to find made to measure curtains in Durban

Curtain Master is a curtain manufacturer in Durban.

Curtain Master is a curtain manufacturer in Durban.

Published Aug 18, 2020


Let’s face it - no two homes are the same and as windows come in various shapes and sizes, it can be challenging to find ready-made curtains that fit properly.

Your style directs how you’ll want curtains to look in a specific room. No matter which look you prefer, curtains finish off a room and will look incomplete without them. So, why not get the curtains you envision?

Even if it means you’ll have to spend a little more than anticipated, there’s no reason you have to buy curtains off the shelf if you can’t find something you like.

If your home is bursting with character, off-the-shelf curtains simply won’t give you the desired finish. At Curtain Master, we make sure your curtains work with your design and fit perfectly on your windows.

It’s vital that the colours co-ordinate and often you simply can’t find the right curtains off the shelf. You can spend hours trying to find something at least half-decent but to no avail. That’s where we come in. We can make your vision a reality and know where to find the perfect textiles for your curtains.

Curtain Master is a curtain manufacturer in Durban. We’ve been around the block a few times and use our experience and passion to make our client’s design dreams come true.

Trends come and go and after 30 years, we are confident that we know which ones are evergreen. We also keep up with new trends to ensure you get the curtains you want.

Our made to measure curtains are lovingly crafted, perfectly fitting and designed completely for you.

For more information on bespoke curtains in Durban, get in touch with the team at Curtain Master today!

Visit curtainmaster.co.za