NPA confident they've proven Nicholas Ninow planned to rape girl at Dros

Nicholas Ninow in the North Gauteng High Court. File picture: Thobile Mathonsi/African News Agency (ANA).

Nicholas Ninow in the North Gauteng High Court. File picture: Thobile Mathonsi/African News Agency (ANA).

Published Sep 11, 2019


PRETORIA - The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said it has advanced its efforts to prove that Nicholas Ninow's intention to rape an eight-year-old girl at a restaurant in Pretoria was premeditated.

The child, who was raped last year September at the Dros restaurant in Pretoria, testified on Wednesday and rebutted Ninow's version of events.

The incident happened when she was seven.

Both the mother and child took the stand with their identities concealed. The child testified first on a CCTV monitor in a clear courtroom. The mother gave her testimony in another room and only her voice could be heard.

NPA spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane said child gave the court a different version from what Ninow has initially said in his plea explanation.

"From the child's testimony, the accused followed her to the toilet."

Mjonondwane said they have managed to prove that by following the child, Ninow already had an intention to harm the child.

According to Ninow, 21, he grabbed the girl after she walked in on him as he was hiding in the female bathroom to use drugs.

Earlier, the mother told the court how she was assisted to forcibly push the door open to save the child from Ninow who did not want to open the door.

The mother said her child cried out for help when she called out her name while she was looking for her, saying, "Mom please help me".

She explained that she was still traumatised by the events of the fateful day.

"I'm not okay with what I have witnessed...I don't think I'll ever be okay, I'll continue going to counselling, together with the child," she said in between sobs.

On Monday, Ninow’s legal representative Herman Alberts read Ninow’s statement to the court where he admitted guilt on three of the four charges against him.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of rape, possession of illegal substances and defeating the ends of justice, but not guilty to assault.

The matter continues on Thursday for both sides to present their closing arguments.

The NPA has indicated that it will be arguing for life imprisonment.

African News Agency (ANA)

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