Pearl Thusi gets emotional about her late parents on her 36th birthday

Media personality Pearl Thusi recently turned 36. Picture: Instagram

Media personality Pearl Thusi recently turned 36. Picture: Instagram

Published May 14, 2024


Pearl Thusi recently celebrated her 36th birthday and the only gift she wished for was to have her parents by her side.

The “Queen Sono” actress lost her mother more than 19 years ago while her dad passed away in 2020.

Thusi once opened up on the “L-Tido” podcast revealing that her mom contracted HIV from her dad.

Her special day turned extremely emotional as she recalled her memories of her late parents.

Taking to have Instagram, Thusi poured her heart out in a message that detailed how she has’ been feeling.

“I’ve been feeling a lot of big feelings lately… I woke up and immediately began crying… grateful that my kids are already at school and don’t have to see me like this.

“But I’m so happy to be feeling. And maybe crying on your birthday is okay – it’s all the love I still have for my parents yearning to be felt by them.”

Thusi said she didn’t enjoy her past birthdays and this time she found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions.

“I’m feeling everything… joy, sadness, excitement, love, hope, fears. What I’d do to get a call from them. I miss my dad’s voice in a heartbreaking and wrenching way.

“But with all the despair I may often feel at the losses I’ve had to take through the years, I’m still standing, tall and proud, so just in case they see everything – they didn’t die in vain.”

Thusi said she hoped her special day could be a “reminder of the power and love I come from”.

“Giving birth and raising a child is tough – hope I’m making it worth it. My mom would be proud and my dad pretended he wasn’t phased until I heard the stories he was telling people when I wasn’t there. ‘Yimi uBaba kaPearl Thusi’ 😂.”

Thusi’s friends and fans shared messages of support.

@sthe_thedj said: “Askies Sthandwa I know the pain, as old as we are we still need our parents, we yearn to hear their voices, laugher. And it’s days like these when we feel the biggest gap they left us with...”

Veteran TV and radio broadcaster Melanie Bala said: “Happy happy birthday gorgeous! Sending you all the good wishes and love for today and always 🎉🎈🌸💕🫶🏾✨.”

“It is great you allowed yourself to feel everything. Happy Birthday beautiful,” said Tanzanian model, Flaviana Matata.