Videogame review: DC Universe Online

Published Mar 13, 2011


Reviewing any MMO is a colossal undertaking. Today's game may be massively different six months or even two years from now. So consider this my impressions so far.

Day 01: Prep Work

First things first don't naively expect to play DCU right the box. Let me educate you in the gruelling pre-game process. At the outset ensure your PS3 has the latest firmware installed; most people keep their machines up to date so most of you can relax. Next, I popped in the game disc only to be greeted by the predictable mandatory updates, only 150megs worth so again chill. Once the updates have been installed the game insists on off-loading content from the actual Bluray. After pretty much purging my poor 60gig PS3 hard drive I finally had enough space to proceed. After the game had finished installing its hefty file load, then it was time to activate my subscription to DC Universe Online, quick quick. After all that I eagerly gripped my Dual Shock 3 expecting to finally hit-up some quality gameplay, but alas more patches to download, this time a beefy 2.5gigs - what's an MMO without patches anyway? So as the final patches download I resign myself to real-life activities for the rest of the day. Let's try this again on the morrow.

Day 02: Creating my alter-ego

Success! I'm finally able to precede - no more updates or patches - I actually see menus! Time to step into the DC Universe! First up, character creation. One is spoilt for choice when constructing their Superhero or Supervillain. I opt for the heroic type, choosing plant manipulation powers and a nifty bow weapon. Plus the flight ability. Next up, costume and character design. This took me simply ages as no matter what you do; one's character ends up looking rather generic. After much fiddling I decided on a stocky rock-skinned, eye patched dude in a business suit…sigh.

The game also features a bunch of premade characters for those less creative types or for those of you just wanting to jump straight in.

Day 03: Introductions

After some flimsy narrative Involving Braniac (DC's resident brainy super android) who is trying to take over the world and an alternative reality Lex Luthor, my character was dumped aboard one of Brainiac's ships orbiting Earth. This short level serves as a tutorial and really does a great job of introducing you to your characters abilities a piece at a time. As I approach the midpoint of the level I found myself thinking “Wow, the graphics are great by MMO standards”. Once the hordes of robotic enemies had all been vanquished I got whisked away to my safe-house. That was fun.

Day 04: Hitting the Streets

At last - the 'real' game world. After collecting my first quest and buying a 'better-than-default' weapon from one of the venders my, excitement peaks - finally into the fray. As I step outside into the Chinatown hotzone for the first time, I take a few steps right and am immediately am engaged by somebody's roguish creation - ten seconds in, attacked and slaughtered. I respawn close by and decide to stick to the air and fly to my quest location. I am tasked with slaying zombies - a simple enough assignment. They're weak, but I get cocky and they swarm me and I'm dead again. The combat system leaves me cold.

Day 05: Getting my Groove back

After grinding through a couple of quests and levelling a bit, I start to feel more confident and decide to explore the universe. Flying through the DC skies, I realise how big the game world really is, DC fans around the world will recognise landmarks like The Daily Planet and Arkham Asylum. I've also come to appreciate the combat system, even though it can stab you in the back in the heat of battle.

Day 06: Into the Arena

Quests are now tedious, so I venture into the world of PVP. PVP legends mode is where you can play legendary heroes or villains depending on your affiliation. This team based combat is definitely effective when it comes to practicing your battle skills.

Final Impressions

DCU is worth venturing into. It's an intriguing and unique game, if you're willing to look past its blemishes. If you've new to MMOs or aren't a big RPG fan then perhaps it's not for you. - IOL

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