Just Arrived

Published Jul 28, 2016


These are the books our books editor, MENEESHA GOVENDER, received recently. They may be reviewed later


I’m The Girl Who was Raped

by Michelle Hattingh (Modjaji Books)

Michelle Hattingh presented her psychology honours thesis on rape in the morning.

That night, after celebrating her degree, she and her friend go to the beach, where they are both robbed, assaulted and raped.

Suddenly, Hattingh realises she is now the subject of her own thesis – she’s now “the girl that was raped”.

This is her story.


Che Guevara Talks to Young People

by Ernesto Che Guevara (Kwela)

Che Guevara is undoubtedly a global symbol of resistance to oppression and his influence continues even today – decades after his death.

The Cuban revolution had a massive influence on the anti-apartheid struggles that occurred in our own land. This book pulls together Guevara’s thoughts, ideas and analyses.

It addresses disaffected youth and students in his time. But it has resonance with many right here, right now.


Degas’ Dust

by Carnie Matisonn (Tafelberg)

Carnie Mattison grew up poor in post-war Johannesburg. He learns of a great-uncle in Norway who was murdered by Nazi soldiers.

This great-uncle owned a prized art collection that was looted by the same soldiers.

And so Matisonn begins a lifelong quest to retrieve the art that belonged to his family.

Mossad agents, international art dealers, Nazi hunters and more – they all feature in this book.

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