Relish: My Life On A Plate

Published Aug 23, 2012


Relish: My Life On A Plate

By Prue Leith

(Quercus, R194)

PRUE Leith has a special connection with SA and this city where her cookery school has become better recognised than most in the country.

Every once in a while, she pays us a visit even if her interest has turned to writing.

When you read her book, you discover that food has never been the huge thing in her life. It made her famous, but it is the stuff surrounding the food that got her going.

What got Prue excited was more than the food: it was the event, the people, and the magic of spotting how to do things right and pulling it off.

That, and her personal life.

Though she is from SA, she has become one of the British Isle’s most famous foodies. I suspect it has a lot to do with her matter-of-fact personality, the way she acclimatised and her no-nonsense approach to life.

Who would have thought someone so up front could lead the life she did – in secrecy – for so long?

You won’t learn that much about her cooking, but everything about what was cooking in her life. This time she has spilt all the beans.

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