How long does it take to rise and shine?

During both experiments, researchers varied whether there was a clock ticking.

During both experiments, researchers varied whether there was a clock ticking.

Published Dec 27, 2012


London - It’s something we do every day but it seems we don’t get any better at it. It takes us more than half an hour to feel awake in the morning, according to a survey.

Fewer than one in five Britons (17 percent) consider themselves to be morning people.

The study found that after being disturbed by the alarm clock, we typically snooze for 14 minutes and don’t feel awake for 36 minutes.

Two out of three said they are less likely to snooze when woken by an alarm with “natural” sounds.

About 73 percent of those questioned by Radox thought the sound of a bird tweeting or a cock crowing made them wake up in a more positive mood.

And, on average, we lose at least an hour’s sleep per night in December due to worries over Christmas.

Dev Banerjee of The Sleep Clinic said: “The first sound we hear in the morning has such an effect on our mood for the rest of the day.”

The top ‘wake up happy’ sounds were:

1, birds tweeting

2, cockerel crowing.

3, waves crashing

4, wind chimes

5, piano playing

6, orchestral symphony

7, church bells - Daily Mail

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