911 Turbo video: Old shape, new car

Promo video for 2014 911 Turbo encourages Porsche enthusiasts to drive the unknown roads.

Promo video for 2014 911 Turbo encourages Porsche enthusiasts to drive the unknown roads.

Published Aug 2, 2013


After 50 years of the Porsche 911, we all know what the world's most expensive rear-engined (as opposed to mid-engined, as in McLaren's MP4-12C and every Lamborghini since the Countach) sports car looks like.

It's a silhouette as iconic as that of a Coke bottle, faithfully recreated in the 2014 911 Turbo - even though it clothes an all-new chassis with a blown 3.8-litre flat-six hanging off the rear axle that spits out 383kW in standard format and 413kW in Turbo S guise, driving all four wheels through a new all wheel-drive layout featuring active rear-axle steering, and capable of launching the Turbo S from 0-100km/h in 3.1 seconds and taking it on to 318km/h.

So it's kinda ironic that the promo video for this blend of traditional styling and innovative engineering should be entitled 'Breaking New Ground', encouraging Porsche enthusiasts to take the new 911 Turbo to roads they've never driven before, just as Porsche constantly pursues new solutions to old problems.


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