Drivers uneasy about driverless cars

Google’s self-driving Prius has clocked almost half a million kilometres accident free, but most motorists are still sceptical about the idea of driverless cars.

Google’s self-driving Prius has clocked almost half a million kilometres accident free, but most motorists are still sceptical about the idea of driverless cars.

Published Nov 20, 2012


Research undertaken in the UK by the Institute of Advanced Motorists Print (IAM) found that 40 percent of motorists would never consider riding in a driverless car, while just 22 percent said they would actually use a driverless car.

There is also a fair amount of uneasiness among those who would use one as 65 percent of the respondents said they were sceptical about whether driverless technology is actually a good idea.

Interestingly, just a third of those questioned actually believed that one could make a strong argument that removing humans from the steering wheel would benefit road safety.


And while half of the respondents believe that driverless cars are a good initiative for the future, around 80 percent feel that the focus should be redirected from making cars better to making drivers themselves safer.

Half of the respondents were also put off by the fact that driverless vehicles would not be able to exceed the speed limit.

But what of the actual safety record for these automated machines. Not that there's many out there, but Google's example - which uses radars, GPS and satellites to plot its course - has so far driven 482 700km prang-free (see video below).

Naturally, we at IOL Motoring would not like to have a car that does the driving for us, but we often come across drivers who we would wish such a thing upon.

How do you feel about driverless cars?

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