Witnessing the last kicks of a dying power

Neill De Beer

Neill De Beer

Published May 15, 2024


Neil De Beer

Just a few days remain until the elections outcome will result in either a dramatic change in government, or the last kicks of a desperate power to hang on for life and survival.

There can be no doubt that the normal citizen on the street would not be blamed if they feel abused.

Going back as far as the harsh Covid period and the economic crash and fight for business survival, to more abuse through the revelations of the now silent Zondo Commission, state capture and load shedding, abuse it truly is.

The big question on every South African’s lips must be, “Can we remove this ANC government and will we once and for all decide that the future of a nation can be changed on May 29, 2024?”

Change, no matter one’s affiliation or historic political past, must be a fact. The alternative to not changing this government, is too harsh to bear.

In a recent presentation to the business sector, which I attended, the presenter used a phrase, that now has stuck with me. The presenter said, that if this country and its leadership, do not urgently turn the economy around, we will commit “ECONOMIC SUICIDE!” This from an economics lecturer, at an esteemed institution.

The sudden and desperate push, to ensure huge laws and new Bills are signed into law by the President and his Cabinet, is another last attempt to not only garner more votes, but to ensure they pave their way to more failed processes and opening to looting and vandalism of state coffers.

One can surely not blame us, to always think, that any process, programme, or project of the ANC, is another chance to steal, loot and fail.

The hugely controversial NHI Bill, that was suddenly announced for signing on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, can only be seen as that. A political stunt.

Why so urgent? Well, it’s obvious, the ANC needs anything and everything to boost its rumoured and possible factual decline and to prevent reaching below 51 percent in the elections. I mean how low can you go? Well seemingly very low!

The opinion from a very large segment who looked at the NHI project, is in no way supportive or hopeful.

Why can we not first fix the collapsed health and public industry? Why not fill the lacking positions of nurses and employ our well qualified doctors? We must first fix the hospital and clinic infrastructure before anything else.

In conclusion, the fact that the now very public debate is becoming one on economic class and screams for equality in health services is concerning. Surely as human beings we can never deny this access to all. The real question, is who will pay for this and how much more taxes and charges can the normal citizen and business take?

In my opinion, we need to watch this space, as many civil and political organisations are declaring that the NHI matter will be hard fought in the courts. I say again, it is clearly the last kicks of a dying power!

* De Beer is a regular contributor to Independent Media, was the Chairman of Investment Fund Africa and currently President of the United Independent Movement

Cape Times