How to lose weight: Eat like a man

Don't always order the salad instead of the steak. Some nutrients that come along with protein, such as vitamin B12, are helpful for weight loss.

Don't always order the salad instead of the steak. Some nutrients that come along with protein, such as vitamin B12, are helpful for weight loss.

Published Jul 11, 2014


Washington - It's a cliche that it's easier for men to lose weight than it is for women. And while testosterone has a lot to do with that, registered dietitian Jim White says another big reason lies in how men approach food. In an article on Fitness magazine's website, he suggests seven “dude-style habits” that might help women shed a few kilos, including:

* Don't always order the salad instead of the steak. Some nutrients that come along with protein, such as vitamin B12, are helpful for weight loss.

* Forget the “beer belly” stigma. If you're going to drink alcohol, consider that mixed drinks often have more calories than beer. In addition, beer is more filling, which might help you resist the bar snacks.

* Don't diet. Depriving yourself just sets up your need for a high-calorie reward. “Because they [men] make lifestyle changes rather than go on diets, their eating strategies have no real end date. They just keep going and going... and losing and losing.”

* Boycott low-cal foods. They tend to be completely unsatisfying and can make you eat more in the long run. Go for the full-fat cheese.

* Eat constantly. “Guys are a bit like constantly running garbage disposals. They eat and eat and eat, but where does all that food go? Not on their waistlines. Why? Because they are keeping their metabolisms stoked and burning calories like crazy.”

* Women on a diet tend to try to go without food for hours at a time, White says, which actually slows their metabolism and makes it harder to lose weight.

Will these ideas really work? Can't tell - but they sound like more fun than a lot of diet tips. - The Washington Post

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