Cabinet changes make April Fools of media

President Jacob Zuma. File photo: Mike Hutchings

President Jacob Zuma. File photo: Mike Hutchings

Published Apr 1, 2015


Cape Town - Presidency staffers on Wednesday confirmed a media statement on changes to President Jacob Zuma’s cabinet was bogus, making April Fools of media houses around the country.

Just before lunchtime, the Presidency released a statement saying Zuma had appointed two new ministers and a deputy minister - breaking the April 1 tradition that the pranking period must expire at noon.

The statement said Essop Pahad was appointed as minister in the presidency responsible for public participation and interface, while Charles Nqakula became the minister for roads and traffic affairs. ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa was appointed deputy minister for social cohesion and nation building, the statement said.

Media houses ran with the story as it came directly from the Presidency’s official email account and even included the name of the President’s spokesman Mac Maharaj in the statement.

Maharaj was not answering his mobile phone, but inquiries to several Presidency staffers alerted ANA to the joke. “So you also fell for it,” said one staffer.

Following the publication of the story, #cabinet trended in South Africa on twitter.

African News Agency

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