‘Something terribly wrong at Marikana’

01 Safety and security minister Nathi Mththwa addresses the media . Crime statistics were released to the public by police heads at a a function held at The Sheraton Hotel in Pretoria. Picture: Antoine de Ras .09/09/2010

01 Safety and security minister Nathi Mththwa addresses the media . Crime statistics were released to the public by police heads at a a function held at The Sheraton Hotel in Pretoria. Picture: Antoine de Ras .09/09/2010

Published Jul 14, 2014


Pretoria - The shootings and deaths at Marikana should not have happened in a democratic South Africa, former police minister Nathi Mthethwa said on Monday.

“Whatever happened there was not supposed to happen under democracy. Something terribly wrong took place there,” he testified at the Farlam Commission of Inquiry in Pretoria.

“It was a tragedy visiting our democracy in the country. It was indeed a tragedy.”

Mthethwa explained to the inquiry his “maximum force” and “fighting fire with fire” remarks.

He made the latter remark to a parliamentary select committee on security in November 2008 and the former during a newspaper interview in 2009.

“Approaching criminals armed to the teeth, ready to kill at the slightest or no provocation, and policing ordinary citizens are two different things. There is no need for police to be heavy-handed when dealing with ordinary people,” said Mthethwa.

“Police have to defend themselves because there is fire out there. We went to areas to interact with members of the public. Ours is a caring government and there was no need to display something contrary to that as members of the South African police.”

Mthethwa was police minister when 34 people, mostly striking Lonmin mineworkers, were shot dead in a clash with police in Marikana, near Rustenburg, North West, on August 16, 2012. More than 70 were wounded, and another 250 arrested at the company's platinum mining operations.

In the preceding week, 10 people, including two policemen and two security guards, were killed. The commission is investigating the 44 deaths.

In his sworn statement to the inquiry, Mthethwa sought to dispel allegations of political influence.

“During the cross-examination of the (North West police) provincial commissioner (Zukiswa Mbombo), it was suggested that she allowed political considerations to influence her decisions. This is not true.

“As the political head, I did not seek to bring political pressure on the provincial commissioner,” Mthethwa wrote in the affidavit.

He said the accusations of collusion between business and government were unfortunate.

“In a democratic society, the relations between capital, labour and civil society is one that requires ongoing attention in finding solutions that are in the public interest,” Mthethwa said.

“Any such interaction is no manifestation of toxic collusion.”


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