Lab-grown diamonds are cheaper, ethical and changing the game

When it comes to jewellery, customers are starting to prioritise ethical sourcing of the precious stones. Picture: Pixabay

When it comes to jewellery, customers are starting to prioritise ethical sourcing of the precious stones. Picture: Pixabay

Published May 15, 2024


Lab-grown diamonds have ignited a luxury jewellery revolution, providing a more sustainable and ethical alternative to traditional mined diamonds.

Fresh in the minds of South Africans is the December of 2023 incident where 11 miners died. The event is a reminder of the dangers of the sector.

When it comes to jewellery, customers are starting to prioritise ethical sourcing of the precious stones that does not involve similar tragic accidents in diamond mines.

This also involves an increased environmental awareness which has made lab-grown diamonds emerge as an appealing option, challenging traditional ideals of luxury and altering the future of fine jewellery.

The founder of Goodstone, Blake Asaad, explored the benefits and ethical concerns around lab-grown diamonds, putting light on their growing popularity in the jewellery business:

The science behind lab-grown diamonds

Diamonds are the world’s strongest known natural substance, made up of highly concentrated carbon.

After decades of study and development, lab-grown diamonds, created by scientists using cutting-edge heat and pressure technologies, are now so ‘flawless’ that it is extremely difficult to distinguish between a natural diamond and a lab-grown one.

Each diamond is created in a high-pressure, high-temperature chamber using a microscopic fragment of a natural diamond.

Under the correct conditions, a lab-grown diamond may grow around a millimetre in diameter per day, whereas wild diamonds take millions of years to form. This quick technique plays a crucial role in the affordability of lab-grown diamonds.

Pay less for ‘purer’ diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled atmosphere, which means they are not exposed to outside influences that could alter their look.

Each one is devoid of imperfections and may be created to any size that customers require.

Furthermore, the regulated atmosphere ensures that lab-grown diamonds retain their flawless quality, free of the natural imperfections common in mined diamonds.

This precision enables buyers to choose diamonds according to their particular requirements, whether in terms of size, colour, or clarity.

Ethical and economical

Diamonds may now be created in a matter of days, thanks to advances in science, making them more accessible and thus less expensive.

Furthermore, lab-grown diamonds are ethically sourced, which means they were not mined in war zones or in mines that mistreat their workers.

The tiny diamonds utilised at the start of the growth process are sourced with local communities and the environment in mind.

Less diamond mining also requires less harmful labour to collect the diamonds, resulting in a lower impact on the surrounding ecosystem.

Transforming tradition

Lab-grown diamonds are not only a tremendous technological achievement, but also a beneficial step towards sustainability and ethical sourcing in the jewellery business.

As consumers become more concerned about the source of their purchases, the demand for lab-grown diamonds grows, driven by their superior quality, environmental benefits, and affordable price.