Actress Ntando Duma hints at officially being off the market

Actress Ntando Duma. Picture:INSTAGRAM

Actress Ntando Duma. Picture:INSTAGRAM

Published May 13, 2024


Ntando Duma is gracefully exiting the single scene, courtesy of a sparkling ring adorning her finger which marks a significant milestone in her love story.

Embracing a popular trend where individuals compile snapshots of their month's adventures, Duma offered her own "April Dumpzies" collection adorned with heart and bouquet emojis, symbolizing her blossoming romance.

Despite the excitement, the identity of her mystery bae remains a secret. Yet, for those attuned to Duma's journey, the engagement hardly comes as a shock.

In an interview with "Timeslive" last year, she hinted at her joyous state of love, attributing it to a partner who values open communication.

This came after a video of Bontle Moloi talking about how she and her husband rapper Priddy Ugly, navigate disagreements during an interview on “Podcast and Chill”, resurfaced on the X.

“We don't fight. We disagree, but we don't fight. He's never raised his voice, I've never raised my voice. We've never walked out on each other. No one has slammed the door. We've never had a dramatic moment. We really never have,” Bontle said.

Duma than shared the post on her timeline, gushing over how her own relationship highlight where she and the mystery man didn’t engage in fights.

“This is real. Understanding that fights don’t always have to be defined by violence or aggression is important. I’m literally in the most peaceful relationship with a partner who communicates everything with so much respect, kindness, love and grace, and vice versa. It’s a blessing. So grateful," she wrote.

She has also taken to Instagram to post a picture of a diamond on her finger.

@missmlingwa_commented: “Okay so she casually dropped an engagement pic like it's nothing 🤩😂”

@ndakho1208 commented: “Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈🍾 Ntando 😍”

@mulalo_t.m also wrote: “It’s frame number 3 for me😍😍It’s the bling 💍 for me Ke sana”

— MDN NEWS (@MDNnewss) May 5, 2024