5 drinks to warm you up this winter

This classic drink is perfect for chilly days and nights. Picture: Pexels/Giovanni Filograno

This classic drink is perfect for chilly days and nights. Picture: Pexels/Giovanni Filograno

Published May 17, 2024


When it is cold and dark outside, one of the best wintertime comforts is to close the curtains, settle down on the couch with a cosy blanket and wrap your hands around a piping hot drink.

But, if you are tired of regular tea or coffee, you might be wondering what other drinks are out there.

Luckily, there are loads of comfort drinks that taste delicious and will help keep you warm through the long winter nights.

From boozy evening concoctions to mouthwatering sweet ones, here are five warming drinks for you to try:

This classic drink is perfect for chilly days and nights. Picture: Pexels/Giovanni Filograno

Spiced apple cider

This classic drink is perfect for chilly days and nights. Add some spice to your cider by infusing it with cinnamon sticks, cloves and fresh ginger.

The apple cider offers a rich, tart and sweet taste, while the pinch of nutmeg adds a kick and warm feel.

Top it off with some star anise and sliced apples and drizzle some caramel over it.

Hot eggnog

Though eggnog is often seen as having American roots, the creamy drink hails from Britain, where it was popular among the aristocracy in the early 19th century.

Milk, eggs, spices and brandy were foods of the wealthy, so eggnog was seen as a drink that reflected prosperity. But it was when the drink crossed the Atlantic that it took off.

These days, it is made from egg yolks, cream or milk, spices and rum, whisky or brandy. While eggnog is normally served chilled, you can also enjoy it warm.

Warm lemon water. Picture: Pexels/Enric Cruz Lopez

Warm lemon water

What is the one hot beverage that all the celebrities swear by to remain fit and healthy? Warm lemon water!

Warm a cup of lukewarm water, squeeze in the juice of a quarter of a lemon, and drink it to kick start your winter day.

Winter is when you are at risk of contracting viral and bacterial infections and warm lemon water is one of the best immunity-boosters that can protect you from winter illnesses like cough and cold.

Mulled wine

Mulled wine, sometimes referred to as spiced wine, is wine, most often of a red variety, infused with various fruits and spices and then served warm.

The great thing about making mulled wine from scratch is not only that it tastes better than shop-bought version but also that, as it cooks, the scent of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg will release and infuse your home with wonderfully festive fragrances.

Mulled wine is simple to make. Mix a bottle of red wine with some slices of orange, spices (usually cloves, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, and cardamom), brandy and a sweetener like sugar or honey.

This whiskey-based drink is said to help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Picture: Pexels/Janis Kaugurs

Hot toddy

This whiskey-based drink is said to help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Make it with hot water, lemon, honey and your favourite whiskey.

Unlike mulled wine or warm apple cider, hot toddies have a light and refreshing flavour. They are great to offer at a holiday party or event.