Dad shot in head while carrying daughter (2)

IN what is believed to have been a case of mistaken identity, a Merebank father was shot twice in the head, while carrying his two-year-old daughter outside their Dinapur Road flat. Picture: Supplied

IN what is believed to have been a case of mistaken identity, a Merebank father was shot twice in the head, while carrying his two-year-old daughter outside their Dinapur Road flat. Picture: Supplied

Published May 13, 2024


IN WHAT is believed to have been a case of mistaken identity, a Merebank father was shot twice in the head, while carrying his 2-year-old daughter outside their Dinapur Road flat.

Jodie Gopal, 28, was in the company of relatives and neighbours when a lone gunman opened fire at them last Wednesday evening.

His father, Dorasamy Gopal, who was also there at the time, said that at about 7pm, they had taken the toddler for a walk and were standing in an open area, which was a few metres away from their flat.

“My granddaughter was a bit restless, so we decided to take her outside for a bit so that she could settle down. We were still on the flat premises, below road level, and were talking with some other people who also live here.

“My son was holding the baby, with his back faced towards the road. I was leaning against the building’s wall, facing the road.

“Suddenly, we heard a single gunshot – and then four more. I felt the impact as one of the bullets hit the wall, missing me by a few centimetres.

“When I looked up towards the road, I saw a man running away. We later learnt that he jumped into a waiting car which was parked nearby.

“When I looked towards Jodie, he was on the ground but he still had his arms wrapped around his daughter. He was bleeding from his head. I pulled her out of his arms – he was holding on to her tightly,” he said.

Dorasamy Gopal points to the bullet hole in the wall of trhe building. Picture: Nadia Khan/ The POST

Gopal said with the help of others, he put Jodie into his vehicle and took him to a nearby hospital.

“He was still alive when we arrived, but we were told that he was in a critical condition. A few hours later, he passed on.

“He was shot twice in his head. I was devastated. My son was supposed to bury me, but now I was going to have to bury him,” he said.

Gopal said he believed his son, who worked as a sales representative for a cellular company, was not the target.

“He was a good child, who didn’t involve himself in any wrongdoing. He was focused on working and taking care of his family. He was the breadwinner.

“We believe it was a case of mistaken identity – and that the shooting could have been linked to possible drug trade in the area which has spiralled out of control.

“Sadly, not enough is being done by law enforcement to put a stop to it. How many more innocent people must die before something is done?” he asked.

Gopal said Jodie had been saving to have a party for his daughter’s third birthday in June.

“He had told us that he wanted to have a big celebration, as he wasn’t able to for her previous birthdays. He said she was now at the age of understanding and he wanted it to be a special day. He was even planning on getting a jumping castle.

“He was also planning on buying a car. His goal was to build himself up so he could provide the best life for his wife and child. Now he has been robbed of his dreams.

“There needs to be justice for his death and the trauma it has caused our family, especially his daughter.

“Since that day, she has not been sleeping properly and constantly cries.

“We have even taken her to the doctor. She has been calling out and crying for her dad as she was very close to him. Our family are shattered,” he said.

Police are investigating a case of murder.

Jodie’s funeral was held on Saturday.