Presidency downplays US Embassy warning: We will be first to tell South Africans when there is a terror threat



Published Oct 27, 2022


Pretoria – The Presidency has sought to assure South Africans that it is fully in control of the safety and security of all people within the borders, in the wake of a terror alert message issued by the US Embassy on its website.

“It is the responsibility of the South African security forces to ensure that all people within our country feel safe. Law enforcement agencies continue to monitor for any threats to our citizens, our nation and our sovereignty,” said President Cyril Ramaphosa’s spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya.

“Threats are assessed continuously and are acted upon to ensure the safety of all. Should the need arise; the South African government will be the first to inform the public about any imminent threat.”

The Union Buildings said it had noted the terror alert issued by the US Embassy.

“This is part of the US government’s standard communication to its citizens,” Magwenya said.

On Wednesday, organisers of the Joburg Pride event, which is set to attract thousands in Sandton, say they are aware of the warning issued by the US Embassy.

The Pride event is being held in Sandton celebrate advocacy, activism and equality in the LGBTQI community with the assortment of bright colours and smiles, event organisers told the Sandton Chronicle.

A spokesperson for the Joburg Pride NBC, who would not be named, told IOL on Wednesday that they were aware of the US Embassy warning but they were awaiting an official response from the South African government before commenting.

“We have no comment at this stage, we are waiting for the SA government to comment further on the matter,” she said.

Later on their Instagram feed, they published a poster with a similar message: “The Johannesburg Pride team is aware of the information released by the US Embassy. We will release a statement in due course”.

In the US Embassy’s warning, they said the embassy had been informed of a possible terror attack in Sandton on Saturday.

“The US Embassy has advised staff to avoid crowds of people and other large public gatherings in the greater Sandton area of Johannesburg during the weekend of 29 – 30 October 2022.

“There is no further information regarding the timing, method, or target of the potential attack,” the Embassy said.

They said the US government had received information that terrorists may be planning to conduct an attack targeting large gatherings of people at an unspecified location in the greater Sandton area of Joburg, South Africa, on October 29.

The Pride event, which is backed by sponsors including the Gauteng Province, Sandton City, Sandton Central, Mercedes-Benz, EY, Pride Insure, Flight Centre, BCG, is an event where thousands of people within and who support the LGBTQI+ community unite to celebrate advocacy, activism and equality.

The march, should it proceed, is expected to feature live performances from MsParty, DJ Skye, Atlanta, King B, DJ Imme and Tamara Dey.

Also taking place on Saturday, is the footballing spectacle of the Soweto Derby between Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates, in Nasrec, south of Joburg.

The event is expected to be attended by more than 80 000 people.

Meanwhile, the management of the Sandton City shopping centre says it is monitoring the situation.

“Sandton City is aware of the notification by the US Embassy of a possible terrorist attack in the greater Sandton area, planned for the 29th and the 30th October 2022.

“The safety of all our shoppers, tenants, service providers and stakeholders is of paramount importance.

“In partnership with the authorities, we are actively monitoring the situation and have appropriate security measures in place in and around Sandton City, which includes Nelson Mandela Square, offices, hotels and the Sandton Convention Centre.

“The malls are currently trading as normal,” they said.