Court to hear closing arguments in Nicholas Ninow trial

Nicholas Ninow appears in the High Court in Pretoria on charges of raping a 7-year-old girl in the bathroom of a Dros restaurant, east of Pretoria, in September last year. File photo: Oupa Mokoena African News Agency (ANA).

Nicholas Ninow appears in the High Court in Pretoria on charges of raping a 7-year-old girl in the bathroom of a Dros restaurant, east of Pretoria, in September last year. File photo: Oupa Mokoena African News Agency (ANA).

Published Sep 11, 2019


Pretoria - The North Gauteng High court will on Thursday hear the closing arguments in Nicholas Ninow's rape trial as it concluded the third day's proceedings.

Earlier in the day, the eight-year-old victim gave her testimony to the court in-camera, with members of the public and media barred from hearing the girl's testimony.

After the little girl concluded, her mother gave a harrowing account of what she witnessed when she discovered Ninow in the female toilet with her child.

Following an adjournment, Judge Papi Mosopa was to call in the investigating officer who took down the child minder's statement, which Ninow’s legal defence, Herman Alberts, was questioning.

Ninow’s defence however, abandoned the query and finally dismissed the child minder.

Phindi Mjondonwane, National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson, took an opportunity to commend the girl for her bravery in giving her account of what transpired on the day. 

Mjondonwane said they were pleased she was able to dispel the version Ninow gave to the court of the girl having found him in the toilet busy using drugs.

“The girl was able to inform the court that unlike what Ninow had claimed, he had in fact followed her to the toilet. So he went there with the intention to harm the child.”

She said the matter would proceed on Thursday with the court to hear the closing arguments and possible judgment.

Pretoria News

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