Cape Town actress shares her holistic health journey as a trauma release therapist

Cape Town-born actress Euodia Samson is a tension and trauma release therapist. Picture: Supplied

Cape Town-born actress Euodia Samson is a tension and trauma release therapist. Picture: Supplied

Published May 16, 2024


South African actress Euodia Samson, 55, is making waves with her second book, "Know Thyself", which is quickly becoming a favourite among readers nationwide.

Samson's success as an author marks a significant step in overcoming the insecurities tied to her dyslexia.

In an interview with Independent Media Lifestyle, Samson discussed her new book, describing it as semi-autobiographical.

It delves into her journey of rediscovery, featuring personal stories on various topics, especially finding direction when feeling lost.

She hopes these stories will inspire others to embrace and celebrate their own experiences, including the challenges.

Aside from her illustrious acting career, known for roles in movies like "Angeliena" on Netflix and "Twisted Christmas" on Showmax, as well as TV shows such as "Arendsvlei" and "Waterfront", Samson is also a remarkable cook.

Her first book, a cookbook titled "Heal Your Gut", showcased her passion for simple, healthy meals.

Furthermore, the Cape Town-born actress is a tension and trauma release therapist and an Integrated Wellness consultant, highlighting her commitment to promoting well-being off-screen as well.

The cookbook is packed with helpful features like detox plans, meal guidance, and insights into food and nutrition. It also shares the author's own health journey.

“Heal Your Gut” came at a time Samson was struggling with weight, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, and anxiety, trying various diets the likes of Banting and Keto almost a decade ago with the assistance of Prof Tim Noakes on his Eat Better SA initiative, she said.

On the inspiration behind her second book, Samson shared: "It required a deep exploration into understanding myself, my reactions, and my beliefs to uncover the origins of those views.

“The goal was to reach a state of self-acceptance and to identify what truly brings me joy and satisfaction."

Samson, who has spent the last eight years as a therapist specialising in Tension and Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) and counselling, shared her insights into the common, yet often unnoticed, struggles many people face.

Simply put Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a simple set of stretches and exercises that help the body let go of deep tension.

Imagine your body like a sponge that's absorbed all the stress and pain from bad experiences or daily worries. TRE works like gently squeezing that sponge, so all the stress drips out, leaving the body more relaxed.

When we go through tough times or feel stressed, our bodies hold onto that tension in muscles and tissues. It's like we're always ready to defend ourselves.

This can make us feel anxious, and tired, or even cause pain. TRE helps by activating a natural shaking process in the body. It's a bit like when animals shake to get rid of stress after they escape danger.

This shaking is the body's way of calming down and healing. It helps release the tight spots where you've stored all that stress and tension.

"Many people don't realise they're stuck in destructive patterns, repeating the same behaviours without understanding why. While counselling can help explore these reasons, not everyone is able to access or feels comfortable seeking these services."

She hopes her book and public speaking efforts can help bridge this gap, making healing techniques more widely available.

Samson's own struggles with anxiety led her to discover TRE, a physical method that helped her release years of trauma.

Reflecting on her family history, she noted: "I now understand that my mother's bipolar disorder had a significant impact on me, creating a host of insecurities and anxieties. TRE was a pivotal part of my journey towards healing."

Her book, "Know Thyself", is designed for a wide readership but seems especially resonant with individuals in their 30s and up.

Samson revealed that it's often at this stage in life that people begin to question their happiness and the choices they've made, as former sources of joy — like established relationships, behaviours, and careers — no longer fulfil them.

"Many in their late 30s and beyond find themselves in a crisis, wondering why their lives no longer bring them satisfaction.

“My book encourages a shift in perspective, urging readers to look inward for answers rather than blaming external circumstances," Samson stated, highlighting the importance of self-reflection in finding joy and satisfaction.

“Often women feel so alone and isolated because we are sent the message that we must be strong. Which we take to mean we can’t admit that we are struggling and not coping. What utter nonsense to be strong! Be human! We need each other,” Samson said.