Wonderbag partners with Nando’s to reduce carbon footprint

South African-born company and carbon offset pioneer Wonderbag was named as an important partner to help offset Nando’s UK emissions to become carbon neutral later this year. Photo: Facebook

South African-born company and carbon offset pioneer Wonderbag was named as an important partner to help offset Nando’s UK emissions to become carbon neutral later this year. Photo: Facebook

Published May 28, 2021


DURBAN - SOUTH African-born company and carbon offset pioneer Wonderbag was named as an important partner to help offset Nando’s UK emissions to become carbon neutral later this year.

Wonderbag chief executive Sarah Collins said: “Wonderbag is a catalyst to shift the status quo of dire poverty, and enable resilience within homes across the world, enabling economic freedom and dignity for all. Both Nando’s and Wonderbag are products of our beautiful country, South Africa, and I am incredibly proud to be a part of this partnership with Nando’s UK. Together we can all be part of the Recipe for Change that our world desperately needs.”

One carbon offset represents a 1 metric ton reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that can compensate for emissions created elsewhere. Carbon offsets can be purchased by corporations with large carbon footprints to mitigate their carbon emissions and South Africa’s Carbon Tax places a market price on emissions that were intended to encourage cleaner practices.

Wonderbag said that it had developed a unique verified carbon mitigation project model that aimed to fight climate change through positive social impact. By supporting special carbon offset projects that empower communities, companies like Nando’s UK could supplement their own internal efforts to reduce carbon emissions by offsetting their unavoidable carbon emissions with verified carbon credits that give back to the communities that were most affected by climate change, it said.

Sarah Collins, Wonderbag’s chief executive

ROBIN Rix, the chief policy and markets officer of Verra, a US-based non-profit organisation that administers the world’s leading carbon credit standard, VCS (Verified Carbon Standard), said that Wonderbag had developed an innovative way to impact the climate and enhance the well-being of local communities. | Given Majola

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