WATCH: Sea Point man who feeds homeless people during lockdown has car torched

Published May 6, 2020


Cape Town - A Sea Point Good Samaritan who ignored opposition from some residents to feed homeless people during the national lockdown is stunned after his car was set alight early on Wednesday.

Peter Wagenaar believes the torching of his Mini Cooper was an escalation of the backlash he had received from the community.

“We feed homeless people and there are a handful of people not happy with it and they have rallied (other) people. Two Fridays ago, the police asked me for my permit. We had a valid permit in place and then last night at about 3.40am I saw my car was set alight and was burnt to the ground,” Wagenaar said.

He added that over the past few weeks he had received complaints from residents who were opposed to him feeding the homeless.

“I believe it is someone who is so toxic who wants to deter me. I am at peace. We have 200-300 supporters. There are a handful of people who have been rallying against us,” he said.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana confirmed the incident, and said a case of malicious damage to property had been opened for investigation, with no arrests so far.

A resident in Sea Point's car was set alight early on Wednesday morning. Picture: Armand Hough/African News Agency

Member of the provincial legislature,  Brett Herron, said that "there are some in the Atlantic Seaboard community who are not happy with the decision or the fact that the feeding scheme was lawful". 

"Last night his car was petrol bombed. This is shocking. It appears some people believe the law doesn't apply to them... I have alerted the SAPS.

"This is vigilantism and the people who are responsible need to be prosecuted. The law is the law and it applies to all, no exception," Herron said.

Ward councillor Nicola Jowell condemned the attack. 

“I'm shocked and appalled and I hope the police will follow through on this. A number of people have been unhappy and some have welcomed his efforts. But the fact remains that the person responsible for this must face the might of the law.”


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Cape Argus

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