Cape Town - A memorandum once again calling for the renaming of Cape Town International Airport to Krotoa Airport is set to be handed to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa next month.
Numerous calls had been made in the past for the name change, however the department had stated that the public consultation process reached no consensus, leading to the renaming effort being abandoned.
Krotoa was a Khoisan woman who worked as a servant in Jan van Riebeeck’s household. It is reported that she was instrumental in working out terms for ending the first Dutch-Khoi war in the Cape.
Now indigenous Khoisan groups say they believe renaming the airport after one of their own is critical to the preservation of their heritage.
Director of the Krotoa Foundation, Benjamin Marsala, said renaming the Cape Town International “Krotoa” would also signal recognition of the first inhabitants of Cape Town.
“We strongly believe that the Cape Town International Airport needs to be renamed to this remarkable woman. This name will also act as a sterling ambassador to the international world."
The memorandum is set to be handed to Minister Nathi on August 9.
Chairperson of civil society organisation Cape Forum, Heindrich Wyngaard, they were in full support of the name change.
“Cape Forum is in favour of a name change if it honours a Cape indigenous icon such as Krotoa. We are mindful of the cost implications of such a name change, so provided money is available to action a name change, without money being taken away from any other essential services for the people of the province, we would support such a move.
“Much rather than the airport name to be changed, as some political organisations have been advocating, to honour national political figures who do not have a primary connection to the province and the indigenous people of the province,” he said.
The Department of Arts and Culture said it would respond “in due course”.
Cape Times