NFP rejoices at ‘historic’ Israel embassy downgrade

NFP MP Ahmed Munzoor Shaik-Emam

NFP MP Ahmed Munzoor Shaik-Emam

Published Mar 8, 2023


Cape Town - The National Freedom Party (NFP) said it was “ecstatic” that its draft resolution in the National Assembly to downgrade South Africa’s embassy in Israel has been passed by Parliament.

The party described the move as a historic moment for the country.

“This is a moment Madiba would be proud of. He always said our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians.

“Today we took a step closer to the attainment of that freedom for Palestinians,” NFP MP Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam, who introduced the resolution, said.

In 2019, South Africa downgraded its embassy in Tel Aviv following a decision by the ANC more than a year prior.

The NFP said that by passing the latest resolution, a message was sent that South Africa remained in pursuit of a more just and equitable world.

“This resolution demands accountability from Israel. It is a courageous move that demonstrates our commitment as a country to justice, human rights, and freedom.

“The state of Israel was built through the displacement, murder, and maiming of Palestinians. And to maintain their grip on power, they have instituted apartheid to control and manage Palestinians.

“This institution of apartheid by the state of Israel contravenes international law and is a violation of the human rights of Palestinians.

As South Africans we refuse to stand by while apartheid is being perpetrated again,” said Emam.

The move, however, has been rejected by the SA Zionist Federation (SAZF), that said the motion would not have an effect on Israel, but sent a “worrying message to South African Jews, Christians and Muslims wishing to travel or make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land for religious reasons”.

It called on the ANC to welcome the state of Israel.

“This decision comes at a time when South Africans are being brought to their knees by a crippling energy crisis, with rolling blackouts destroying businesses and livelihoods on a daily basis.

“This is taking place against a backdrop of record-breaking unemployment figures, while crime runs unabated, alongside a murder rate that is higher than the death toll in Russia’s war on Ukraine.

“We note that this symbolic act took place during Purim, a Jewish holiday that commemorates how Jews were saved from genocide at the hands of Haman in ancient Persia.

“It is ironic that Parliament would pick this day of all days to target and sanction the world’s only Jewish state, whose existence serves to prevent another genocide against the Jewish people.”

Cape Times

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