How to deal with matric results anxiety - focus on what you can control

Published Jan 12, 2022


THE Matric Class of 2021 now await their results, with many still not having a clear idea about what their future, in general, or this year in particular, will hold.

At this point you have already done everything possible to ensure that you succeed in your matric exams.

The one thing that these Matrics can do now, is to focus on those things that are within their control, rather than take a wait and see approach.

Waiting things out until normality returns one day is not an option. The world continues despite the challenges we continue to face, and there are things you can do to continue on your personal and professional journey to ensure you are not left behind.

Below are actions you can take to help manage and reduce stress, including but not limited to:

  • Practice stress reduction techniques that work for you – the Calm Clinic offers practical advice you may find helpful (
  • Talking about your fears – your friends are probably experiencing the same anxiety about their exam results and the future so sharing your burden with them may help ease your and their anxiety. If you feel like you need to speak to a professional, do not hesitate to call Childline toll free on 0800 055 555 or on LifelIne 0861 322 322.
  • Thinking about your options – it is advisable to have a plan B in case you do not pass matric, or you do not get accepted into the course that you really want to study. This is the perfect time to consider or refine a plan B to minimise any negative feelings and concerns if you haven’t been successful and to enable you to pursue a different path without delay.

For the parent:

Parents need to offer support and show them that it is not the end, and there is so much that can be done after a bad result, missed distinction or points for university exemption. As a parent, we need to validate our children on the importance of trying and striving to do better. Parents, try the following methods:

  • Stay calm
  • Let your children share their thoughts and feelings, and worries and
  • Help to rephrase complaints and end up with a positive outlook.

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