Organisations you can volunteer at to gain insight on nature conservation

Published Sep 2, 2021


If you are thinking of choosing a career in nature, here are a few organisations to volunteer at to gain experience and insight into nature conservation.

The little time you spend volunteering can be useful in confirming that the career is really what you want or it can also open your eyes to thinking about doling something different.

So make calls or send emails to these organisation.

International Rhino Foundation (IRF)

The IRF has been funding and operating rhino conservation programmes that aim to support the well-being of rhinos worldwide for over 25 years.

Wildlife and Environment Society of SA (Wessa)

Wessa is a South African environmental organisation that aims to initiate and support high impact environmental and conservation projects to promote participation in caring for the Earth.

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (Sanbi)

Sanbi’s conservation gardens and tourism division manages its network of national botanical and zoological gardens, each with its associated tourism infrastructure and conservation estate.

BirdLife South Africa

BirdLife SA strives to conserve birds, their habitats and biodiversity through scientifically-based programmes, through supporting the sustainable and equitable use of natural resources and by encouraging people to enjoy and value nature.

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

Ezemvelo manages more than 120 protected areas and is the leader in sustainable biodiversity conservation. It has recently broadened its focus to become more relevant to communities living adjacent to their parks, primarily through job creation and sustainable natural resource harvesting.

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