Popular jobs that require TVET college accreditation

Software developers and programmers

Software developers and programmers

Published Feb 25, 2021


How do I get my dream jobs? Are they hiring? Wait, what is my dream job, anyway?

Whether you have been part of the workforce for a few years or you are just entering college trying to choose a field of study, there are plenty of options. Today’s careers have changed drastically from what they used to be for previous generations.

A study put out by Young Invisibles ranked the best 25 jobs for millennials, using three types of filters: Expected growth, millennial share, and median income – all great factors to consider when choosing a promising career.

But here’s the catch…

Millennials care. They care about things affecting social change, obtaining work-life balance, and that pesky thing called self-fulfilment. They want to love the work they do, impact their community, and make the world a better place. There is also a sense of recognition from our colleagues, the impression that we are valued and highly regarded by our peers. Such success encompasses many factors impossible to measure by data.

Though earning more money and having benefits is important, many things need to be taken into consideration when choosing a career as a millennial. Matching our skills to our interests and finding a niche in the market can be challenging.

What's the secret?

Thinking outside the box. With new skills emerging as fast as old ones become extinct, the desire and ability to adapt skills to remain employable  redefine career security for millennials.

Here we go:

1. Local SEO Strategist - SEO is a valuable and unique skill to have today, and astute millennials are picking up on the high demand for it. As a career, you can specialise in local SEO and consult for local magazines, strategise for individual brands on what they can do to improve their Google ranking, and charge in different ways depending on the services you offer.

2. Social Media Manager - Social Media has exploded over the past 10 years, and millennials are quickly filling up job openings in companies that are tuning in to the importance of having a strong social presence.

3. Software developers and programmers - With emerging technology, jobs in the programming industry are sky-rocketing.

4. Public relations specialist - Millennials who want to leverage their social standing and networking skills and align them with a career path that interests them, have an opportunity to get into a field that will always experience demand and growth, and even change the face of the PR industry using a millennial-driven approach to reach other millennials.

5. Physician's assistant - Though this is not a creative or innovative career choice, millennials appreciate the stability and predictability of this job.

6. Social justice lawyer or advocate - Many job openings are popping up for social advocacy within large companies that want to get more involved, allowing young adults to do something fulfilling while earning a living.

7. Social media marketing specialist - Advertisers are losing interest in print ads and want to move to more organic, social sharing. Look for jobs inside large websites, blogs and online magazines, or go directly to the client and work to place their product on the right platforms.

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