#RoyalWedding: Support the SA charity linked to Harry and Meghan

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Picture: Twitter

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Picture: Twitter

Published May 18, 2018


Britain's Prince Harry and his bride-to-be Meghan Markle are vocal supporters of numerous causes, including women’s rights (she’s a UN Women’s advocate), social development, and mentoring opportunities for children.

In fact, it’s their support of an NGO that sparked rumours of their romance. And it just so happened to be a South African one.

Meghan Markle seen wearing one of the colourful beaded bracelets shortly after the couple's relationship became public. Picture: Instagram

Back in 2016, some royal sleuths figured out that the prince and the gorgeous American were often in the same place at the same time.

Prince Harry's Relate bracelet is a permanent accessory.

Soon after, they noticed that Meghan wore a beaded bracelet just like the one that’s a permanent feature on Harry’s arm – a bracelet by South African social enterprise The Relate Trust in support of African Parks and Grassroots Soccer.

Both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been spotted Relate bracelets.

We’re not saying those little beads brought them together but you never know…

The couple have asked for donations to charity in lieu of wedding gifts, so in support of their generosity as well as the causes they’re most passionate about, we have some ideas on initiatives you can support on this side of the pond.

Clean water

A few years ago, Meghan, who is part Canadian, was announced as an ambassador for a clean water campaign.

Here in South Africa, there are numerous projects that aim to make clean water accessible to vulnerable communities.

Water-borne diseases kill more children in Sub-Saharan Africa than HIV/AIDS, measles and malaria combined. In fact, almost 6 000 people, mainly children, die every day from consuming unsafe drinking water.

The Rotary Club in Sea Point, Cape Town, is one those organisations that’s made it their mission to turn this around through their SafeWater Project.

The project aims to provide cost-effective filters to impoverished communities with no access to clean and safe water. A simple way to support this initiative is through the sale of their bracelets made by the Relate Trust. Each bracelet purchased is equivalent to purchasing 1600 litres of clean and safe water.

Do it for Madiba

Harry says one of his most treasured memories is meeting former President Nelson Mandela some years ago.

“It is not for me to try to put into words the impact that President Mandela had on South Africa, or a generation across the globe,” he said.

It’s a sentiment worth noting as we celebrate Tata Madiba’s birthday 100 years ago.

Organisations large and small across the globe mark Mandela’s birthday through 67 minutes of charity work. With such a notable birthday coming up we should use it to step up our efforts.

Relate is known for its annual Mandela Day celebrations but with the centenary, they’ve stepped it up with the launch of a bracelet in support of Mandela’s library project as well as to create jobs for the underprivileged persons who string the product.

Soccer in support of education

Everyone loves a good game of footie and with the World Cup around the corner, it’s a good time to just how life-changing the sport can be. This is no more evident than through Grassroots Soccer SA which aims to use the power of soccer to educate, inspire and empower young people to stop the spread of HIV. It’s one of the causes that even his Royal Ginger got behind.

But you needn’t support these causes if there are others you feel strongly about. Through organisations such as Relate, you can support just about any beneficiary you’re passionate about. Find out more at www.relate.org.za

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