Revolution has ‘em on back foot

Published Jul 2, 2012


When the WEDFY and Spar10z dance crews were told to leave, we thought it was for good. Turns out the judges had another ace up their sleeves.

The two crews had the lowest marks and the lovely Lorcia Cooper to help them with ways to polish their skills.

Well, that was the plan before Spar10z pulled a surprise exit.

The challenge this week was marabi, a classic South African dance with its roots in the Sophiatown era.

Everyone showed up, but not everyone stepped up.

Let’s get into the nitty gritties of how things went last week.



Just so we put out there, I am not a PR agent for Thembisa Revolution. They are just bigger than the show.

Here’s hoping this observation does not give them big heads before the show is done.

The 1960s fashion, the muted music replaced by their chants and the tennis shoes modified for tap dancing. It was all perfect.

Of all the groups on the night, they were in their comfort zone. But, as usual, the Vintage crew gave them competition with their storytelling skills.



Spar10z definitely take this one.

King Leonidas would turn in his grave if he ever heard some group that had modelled them- selves after his brave army were giving up in a fight.

They shame the phrase: “This is Sparta!” which was made famous by Gerald Butler (as the king) in the film 300 which was based on the brave warriors.

The historic battle of Thermopylae saw all the Spartans die in the war without giving up. Those kids from Step Up Or Step Out should change their name to something that better describes their weakness.



The following interesting quotes were said about Vintage:

Vintage is the future, whether they win or not. – Arthur

You (Vintage) are not the same crew I saw last week. – Khabonina

Vintage’s ability to immerse themselves into any given role is impressive and they work extra hard to prove themselves.

Thembisa Revolution received a standing ovation from all three judges. Throughout their perform- ance Khabonina could not contain herself and we could hear her laughing in approval.



The own style section was owned yet again by Thembisa Revolution.

As an avid follower of the group, this writer knows that before they were Thembisa Revolution the crew was called Broomtsula, and now you know why. They fuse the use of brooms and pantsula.

So while the judges were taken aback, the dancers were simply being themselves.



The Psychotics and Duduza Young Generation crews were obviously in the deep end. Psychotics’ direct competition when it comes to style is Vintage.

Duduza Young Generation, on the other hand, is facing their toughest competition from Thembisa Revolution.

So do the math and see who makes it in the final two.


• Step Up Or Step Out airs every Sunday at 6.05pm on

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