Yaaseen Barnes weighs in on GoT season 8, episode 1

Yaseen Barnes. Picture: Supplied

Yaseen Barnes. Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 16, 2019


Cape Town-based comedian Yaaseen Barnes is a "Game of Thrones" fan, and has been watching the hit show since season 1. 

Now in its eighth and final season, Barnes has joined IOL Entertainment's elite "GoT" review panel, and here's what he thought of the first episode of the final season...

"Firstly, disclaimer. I give the characters my own names, but I think you'll know what I mean.

The opening scene of the episode was so jitz[amazing] because we see all the Starks come together. It's what we've waited for since the first season, and we saw them all in their "positions". 

Bran in the back, and always looking like he's gerook [stoned] or erting [buzzing]. Then we have Sansa, but I think she's becoming a bit of a Cersei, looking for power all the time. She says it's for the family but I skat[think] it's for herself. Then there's Jon and Daenerys, ooh, they're dik [ head over heels] in love. I wanna see more of them, although they shouldn't [be together] but they're like Bo Brady and Hope. They look that kind of in love, and it's lekker[nice]. 

Then Arya that was jumping around like a damn spy, but it's good to her back in the mix. I think we're going to see them fighting back to back, and that's a scene I really wanna see. I think Jon will skrik for her skills. 

Cersei's always looking on point. I don't know who does her dress designs because she's always on point. I also think she's becoming weaker. She knows that the war's happening, and she doesn't know what to do about it. I also think she's falling in love with that bra[guy] who looks like the lead singer of Prime Circle. I don't know his name [Euron Greyjoy], but you know that bra.

Then there's also a scene that I  skrikked [got a fright] for. A lesson that I didn't take in from all the scary movies: we mustn't trust children. In any show, never trust the children, dead or alive. I got a  moerse skrik for that child that the night watchmen burnt. 

I also think the White Walkers are great villains, like Stefano DiMera-level villains, where they tease the mense [people] before they come for them. 

And that scene with Jon and the dragon was very kwaai [cool] because I think that he's going to take the dragon back from the White Walkers. 

Then the closing scene was actually the best scene, because skandaal [ scandal ] levels were on point when Jaime saw Bran, because Bran mos saw Jaime pomping [having sex with] his sister, Cersei and [then] pushed Bran out of the window. 

Although I don't know if he [Bran] remembers but I think he will get visions of it again. They also announced early on, that Jon is the true king and thought they would only do this later in the series, but now Jon is going to have an awkward moment with Daenerys when he tells her that he must take her position and she must step down. 

Listen to Yaaseen's review below. 

Where to watch "Game of Thrones" 

Watch it on Mondays at 3am on (repeat at 10pm) on M-Net, or straight after with the   DStv Now app . 

You can also binge-watch all previous seasons of  "Game of Thrones" on Showmax. Sign up for a 14-day free trial at  Showmax.com

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