Watch: Surfers swelling with pride

Surfers, from left, James Sinclair, David Williams, Erika Hendrikz (Surfers HQ manager), Douglas Hendrikz, Sabelo Ngema, Michele Macfarlane, Tracy McKay and Daniel Nel will represent South Africa at the Pismo Beach ISA World Para Surfing Championship, in California, from December 7-11. Shelley Kjonstad/African News Agency(ANA)

Surfers, from left, James Sinclair, David Williams, Erika Hendrikz (Surfers HQ manager), Douglas Hendrikz, Sabelo Ngema, Michele Macfarlane, Tracy McKay and Daniel Nel will represent South Africa at the Pismo Beach ISA World Para Surfing Championship, in California, from December 7-11. Shelley Kjonstad/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Nov 13, 2021


Thirteen South African surfers been selected by the Board of Surfing South Africa, the governing body of the sport, to represent South Africa at the Pismo Beach ISA World Para Surfing Championship, in California, USA from December 5 to 11.

The group is the largest and most diverse team to represent South Africa at the World Championships. The independent on Saturday caught up with the surfers on Friday at a local surf shop.

To honour their achievement and wish them well, Surfers HQ owner Jean-Marc Tostee presented them with watches.

Our athletes are: Sabelo Ngema, Tracy McKay, David Williams, Doug Hendrikz, James Sinclair, Oliver Sinclair, Alulutho Tshoba, Daniel Nel, Michele Macfarlane, Jean-Paul Veaudry, Caleb Swanepoel, Noluthando Makalima and Tyler Pike.

The six-member management team includes Erika Hendrikz (Manager), Leon Van Zyl (Head Coach), Scott Messenger (Coach), Yvonne Messenger (Coach), Owami Zama (Coach) and Dr Helen Millson (Physiotherapist/Coach)

“Our Adaptive Surfing crew have shown hard work, bravery and commitment and now get to fly the South African flag proudly as they tackle the biggest and most competitive competition in the World,” said Hendrikz.

Last year, South Africa came sixth out of 24 countries. “This year, we hope to be in medal contention with a bigger and more diverse team,” said Hendrikz.

Each team member has the daunting task of raising R45 000 to R50 000 to cover transport, accommodation, food and competition fees. Made for More is a non-profit that aims to include, empower and equip people with disabilities through sport and which champions adaptive surfing in KZN, is accepting funds on behalf of he team.

You can help the team get to California. Donations to Made for More, First National Bank (FNB), account holder MfM Empowering people with disabilities NPC, account number: 62593094081.

The Independent on Saturday

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