Gran's footage of 'demon' lurking over baby's cot is the most frightening thing you'll probably see today

McKenzieset up a motion-activated camera and pointed it at the cot. Picture: Pixabay

McKenzieset up a motion-activated camera and pointed it at the cot. Picture: Pixabay

Published Mar 18, 2021


Remember the horror movie Paranormal Activity?

Yes, it’s just a movie but we hear of supernatural occurrences regularly, most of them based on truth.

Imagine the terror Tory McKenzie experienced when she witnessed what she described as a “demon”?

After the first alleged encounter, McKenzie, from Las Vegas in Nevada, set up a motion-activated camera in her granddaughter Amber’s room and left it there for several days, reported.

She said the supernatural ordeal began when her two-year-old granddaughter was heard warning an invisible intruder to “go away” while at her son’s home.

McKenzie then set up a motion-activated camera and pointed it at the cot.

When going through the footage, she said she saw a “horned” figure with “long claws” standing just inches away from the sleeping toddler and her seven-month-old brother Michael.

In a desperate attempt to get rid of the creature, she started burning oils but then cabinets and curtains bizarrely started opening while music played.

She then turned to Facebook. “It was so shocking when I saw it. I had to do a double-take,” she posted.

“The first thing I saw was horns on its head, so you immediately think it’s the devil or a demon.

“When we caught videos of the orbs we thought it was a family member looking after the kids, but that picture, I have no idea. It’s terrifying.”

According to the Paranormal Society of Northeast GA, McKenzie’s experience isn’t anything unusual or sinister.

“I see this all the time. Whenever there’s a new baby in the house, the deceased family members pop in to see the new baby,” the society told

“This is photographic proof of a deceased grandparent stopping in for a visit.”

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