The secrets of parenthood

Parents also increasingly struggle to say 'no' to their children and try to act as their equal rather than their boss.

Parents also increasingly struggle to say 'no' to their children and try to act as their equal rather than their boss.

Published Jun 19, 2013


London - More than a third of mothers secretly have a favourite child, according to a survey.

In a snapshot of parenting attitudes, 34 percent of mothers and 28 percent of fathers admitted to preferring one of their children over the others.

Of 2 212 parents surveyed, 42 percent felt that things could be better with their children and 17 percent felt they were going through a stressful time – although 92 percent said it was all worth it.

Watching their children play together (32 percent) and reading their child a story (24 percent) were reasons given as the most satisfying role of being a parent. Of those surveyed, 42 percent said the things that made them happiest about being a parent were unconditional love and affection, but Sunday lie-ins (40 percent) and money (38 percent) were the things they missed most.

The research – The State of Parenting Today by website Parentdish – found that more than half of parents (54 percent) lied to others about weekend plans for their children, and more than one in five felt pressured to buy their children the latest gadgets to fit in.

It found that Holly Willoughby (23 percent) and David Beckham (20 percent) are the top celebrity role models in the UK.

The research found men are quicker at changing nappies, with women taking an average of two minutes, five seconds, and men taking one minute, 36 seconds.

Tamsin Kelly, editor of Parentdish, said: “Dads changing nappies quicker than moms is a surprise to me, although I am glad to see more dads getting stuck into this side of parenting.

“I am not surprised that mums and dads exaggerate their weekend plans though, as packing your children’s lives with activities is a real area for parent competitiveness today.”

On parents’ choice of celebrity role models, she said: “Holly Willoughby and David Beckham have always been very popular with our readers.

“Compared to lots of other celebrity moms and dads, they both are successful career driven parents, but their devotion to their family is unquestionable.” - Daily Mail

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