Christmas leftovers jacket potato

Leftovers jacket potato - pic supplied

Leftovers jacket potato - pic supplied

Published Dec 26, 2017



300 g leftover sprouts, shredded

1 red onion

Diced pancetta

Crumbly blue cheese

Leftover turkey diced 

4 large potatoes


Pierce the skin of the potatoes and then place them into the microwave for 10 minutes each. 

Once done make a cross in the top and place on a baking tray and drizzle with oil in the oven at 200C for 20 minutes.

In a pan place the diced pancetta and fry until brown, then add in the onion and sprouts reduce the heat and place the lid on and leave to cook for 15 minutes stirring occasionally.

Add the turkey and leave for another 5 minutes. Take the jacket potatoes out of the oven and add a knob of butter to each one. Take the sprout and turkey mix off the heat and spoon over the jacket potato.

Crumble the blue cheese over and serve. 

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