Why are you still peeling all those vegetables?

MUCH HEALTHIER: There are many reasons to keep the peel on your vegetable produce, both aesthetic and nutritional.

MUCH HEALTHIER: There are many reasons to keep the peel on your vegetable produce, both aesthetic and nutritional.

Published Apr 23, 2018


There are certain vegetables we have a reflexive instinct to peel: carrots, parsnips, potatoes, beetroot.

Anything that grows in the ground, really. Especially when there’s visible dirt on the vegetables when you buy them.

But is peeling those vegetables necessary? No. Is peeling them good for you and the planet? Not really.

I’ve pretty much stopped peeling root vegetables. I never understood the urge to peel cucumbers, either. Cucumbers can be a kind of watery food, and the skin adds some needed flavour, in my book.

Potatoes, I’m still coming around to, I’ll admit. My favourite types to eat with the peel are Yukon Gold and red potatoes. Those labelled as “new” are good bets, too, because they’re young with thin skins. Russets? Well, I tried leaving some in my mashed potatoes and was not a fan of the rough, tough texture. I’m more inclined to sweet potato skins, especially when thoroughly roasted so that the juices explode out and make the outside all caramelised and crisp.

Here are the reasons we should stop wasting our time peeling:

It’s extra work. Do you like doing more than you have to in the kitchen? I don’t.

A good wash is plenty sufficient to clean produce. Run your produce under cold running water while gently scrubbing it. This is enough to remove dirt and bacteria, and drying the produce with a clean paper towel or cloth will help, too.

For firm items such as carrots, turnips, parsnips or beetroot, feel free to use a brush and scrub to your heart’s content. Don’t use soap or bleach to clean your food, because you’ll run the risk of ingesting those.

Peeling also doesn’t guarantee that you will eliminate pesticides, which can penetrate produce from the outside or find their way inside through the water supply. If you’re concerned about exposure to pesticides, you can certainly choose to buy organic produce, but even that needs to be washed and can still harbour natural pesticides or other types of pesticides that have drifted from conventional produce grown nearby. At least one cleaning method seems to hold promise in breaking down pesticides: a soak in a water bath with baking soda.

Peeling contributes to food waste. We’ve all heard the scary numbers about how much of our food ends up in landfills. Chucking vegetable peels in the trash only makes it worse. (If you absolutely must peel, try throwing the scraps in vegetable broth or at least the compost bin.)

You lose part of what’s good about fresh produce. Fruits and vegetables are high in fibre, which helps you feel fuller and aids in digestion. There’s a lot of fibre in the exteriors of vegetables, so when you peel them away, you lose that benefit. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can also reside in or just below the skin.

Keeping the peel on can be an aesthetic thing, too. Surely I’m not the only one who finds that peeled carrots look weirdly sanitary? Embrace rustic chic. Don’t peel your carrots. Also, beets. Especially when your beets are being cooked whole, leaving the peel on can keep your beets vibrant.

Wedges or slices of winter squash, roasted with the skin on hold together well. And if they’re cooked long enough, even tough skins such as butternut will become tender enough to eat. 

The Washington Post

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