Cape healthcare workers taking a strain

South Africa - Cape Town - 12 May 2010 - Coronavirus - The Coronavirus testing station at Tygerberg Hospital view from outside. People wait on chairs spaced apart. They are asked Coronavirus related questions and then proceed inside for the actual testing. Picture Courtney Africa/African News Agency(ANA)

South Africa - Cape Town - 12 May 2010 - Coronavirus - The Coronavirus testing station at Tygerberg Hospital view from outside. People wait on chairs spaced apart. They are asked Coronavirus related questions and then proceed inside for the actual testing. Picture Courtney Africa/African News Agency(ANA)

Published May 22, 2020



With over 19 000 infections and 369 deaths in day 57 of the national lockdown, South Africa’s healthcare workers are starting to take a strain.

With the Western Cape currently, a hotspot with 11 262 confirmed Covid-19 cases, the Cape’s healthcare srke have their work cut out for them.

On Thursday authorities at the Tygerberg Hospital confirmed that over 100 of their healthcare workers tested positive for Covid-19 with two deaths, and they’re treating 126 Covid-19 related patients.

“We have noted across the health system, and in other sectors, there are several healthcare workers that are affected and are in isolation at home,” said Tygerberg Hospital spokesperson Laticia Pienaar.

"We have adequate staff and specialists on duty to render uninterrupted and quality service to the patients in hospital," she added.

Meanwhile, Mitchells Plain Hospital has reportedly reached its capacity and Groote Schuur Hospital with over 120 Covid-19 patients.

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