DIY Health Tonic : Pineapple and Papaya Juice

Published Apr 24, 2020


Pineapple and Papaya Juice

This juice is aimed at those who suffer from asthma. Since asthma affects the lungs, it is likely to make people who suffer from it more vulnerable to contracting Covid-19.

Pineapple contains many nutrients including antioxidants that fight diseases and helps boost your immune system together with vitamins B and C as well as folate. Papaya contains vitamin C which reduces stress. Combined, this juice is able to reduce asthmatic attacks.


• 5 Stems of mint

• 1 Pineapple

• 1 Semi ripe papaya

Wash, peel, de-seed and chop fruits. Toss the fruits and leaves from the 5 mints stems into a blender or juicer. Blend together.


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covid 19