Men over age of 60 have higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease

Men over the age of 60 have a higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Picture by Vlad Chețan/pexels

Men over the age of 60 have a higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Picture by Vlad Chețan/pexels

Published Nov 18, 2022


The Brain and Spine Foundation claims that neurological conditions can be difficult to diagnose because symptoms of one condition can be similar to another.

Sometimes, non-neurological illnesses might exhibit neurological conditions' signs and symptoms.

Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological condition that impairs movement. Cells in a particular region of the brain are affected by this neuro-degenerative condition.

Parkinson's disease is the 14th leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), due to the accompanying symptoms.

Parkinson's disease results in slowness or stiffening of movement. It's a condition that develops gradually, and the early stages are frequently missed as a result. Pacific Medical Training unpacks what to expect regarding Parkinson’s disease causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. This is to provide you and your family with the knowledge that can aid in an earlier diagnosis for your family.

What Causes Parkinson’s to develop?

Experts haven't yet figured out what exactly causes Parkinson's disease. Those with Parkinson’s have low dopamine levels in their brains.

The degenerative condition is thought to be caused by a variety of different factors, including genetic abnormalities, lifestyle choices, and environmental impacts, according to experts.

Men over the age of 60 have a higher risk of developing it.

The chance of developing Parkinson's disease is further increased by chemical exposure to substances like PCBs and trichloroethylene (TCE). Polychlorinated biphenyls are highly carcinogenic chemical compounds formerly used in industrial and consumer products.


It is important to understand that Parkinson's disease symptoms differ according to how far the disease has progressed. Hand tremors are usually the first sign and symptom of this condition. The signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease worsen as the disease progresses.

Parkinson’s signs and symptoms include:

Tremors: Often, shaking starts in your hand or fingers. Some people suffer hand shaking while at rest, while others rub their thumb and forefinger.

Bradykinesia: (Bradykinesia means slowness of movement and is one of the cardinal manifestations of Parkinson's disease)This means walking more slowly, dragging your feet, or having trouble getting up from a chair. For some, routine tasks now seem complicated and time-consuming.

Muscle stiffness: Any muscle in your body can become painfully stiff and restrict your range of motion.

Impaired balance: Parkinson's disease may initially impact posture. Balance issues do, however, develop over time.

Unconscious movements: Have you ever wondered what your automatic movements are, such as smiling, blinking, or swinging your arms while walking? Parkinson's patients may have difficulty performing these tasks.

Speech: You might start speaking softly or monotonously. Some people stutter, speak faster or slowly, or even slur.

Writing changes: Some people notice that their handwriting is more difficult to read than it used to be.

As the disease progresses, the following may occur as a result of the above symptoms:

Loss of bladder control, constipation, dementia, difficulty swallowing, depression, trouble sleeping, cognitive difficulties, fatigue, and pain.


There is no known cure for Parkinson's disease. However, there are various medical and surgical options available to help manage the symptoms. By raising dopamine levels, several drugs can treat issues with walking, tremors, and movement.

Given that the initial symptoms of Parkinson's disease are mild, getting an accurate diagnosis may prove difficult. Because there is no specific test that diagnoses the illness. A medical professional who specializes in disorders of the neurological system will evaluate your case. If it is early in the process, a follow-up appointment may confirm worsening symptoms.

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