Craving some loving? Heal yourself with a hug

It is safe to say that wrapping our arms around the body is one of the most widely recognised forms of love. Picture: Unsplash

It is safe to say that wrapping our arms around the body is one of the most widely recognised forms of love. Picture: Unsplash

Published Apr 21, 2022


Whether you're a child who has just grazed their knee, a 50-year-old going through a mid-life crisis, or a person over 60 looking to start a new innings in life, it is safe to say that wrapping your arms around the body is one of the most widely recognised forms of love.

Touch has that kind of power. Humans are born with a desire for physical affection and are socialised to crave it. It is one of our most basic requirements, along with food and water.

And, while much has changed in the way we interact with one another over the years, the need for physical affection has not.

The science behind a hug

A 2013 study found that the act of hugging can change the levels of hormones in our endocrine system.

“The endocrine system is made up of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. These glands include the pineal gland, pancreas, hypothalamus, ovaries and others. The study found that hugging can make us feel more comforted by changing the levels of hormones in the body," said Goldy Nagdev, managing director of incense products manufacturer Hari Darshan Sevashram.

“The hugged person's hormone levels changed in a way that made them feel more comfortable and relaxed. The researchers believe that this happens because hugging releases oxytocin, which is a hormone that has been shown to reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness and bonding. This research shows that hugging can be a powerful tool for promoting well-being and reducing stress.”

No pain, no gain? False!

The no pain, no gain mindset is no longer valid – the study proved that self-hugs can help relieve chronic pain.

Researchers found that when people hug themselves, it causes their brains to get mixed up on where the hurt is located.

You got your back

There also seems to be some truth behind theories that claim self-love improves mood by making you feel more confident.

“When you give yourself a hug, it can help you feel more connected to yourself and less alone. When you wrap your arms around your shoulders in an embrace it also triggers your brain to think of this gesture as social support. It offers many benefits such as promoting feelings of safety and security which is especially important during these times, now that we have realised post-Covid how we need ourselves more than any amenity, person or luxury in the world,” said Nagdev.


While self-criticism can be a helpful motivator in some cases, too much of it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and despair. Self-compassion provides a sense of understanding and support during difficult times. Self-compassion researcher Dr Kristin Neff’s studies have shown that self-compassion can lower cortisol levels, improve overall well-being, and even increase mindful acceptance and self-esteem. So the next time you're feeling down on yourself, try giving yourself a hug – you just might find it makes a world of difference.

A hug a day keeps the doctor away

In a study conducted by Dr Sheldon Cohen, professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania, a group of adults were exposed to the common cold and monitored for symptoms. Among the infected participants, those who reported a greater sense of social support and more frequent hugs developed less severe illness symptoms.

A University of North Carolina study showed that hugging can keep us healthier by increasing white blood cells in the body. It is also believed to help with stress relief, which helps fight off infection.

Hugging it out all the way

A warm hug is more than a gesture of affection. It is also a powerful tool for promoting understanding and reducing judgment. Nagdev said: “When we hug someone, we are physically and emotionally close to them. This proximity encourages communication and positivity. It also helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to greater feelings of hostility and judgement.

The release of the joy hormone oxytocin during a hug also induces feelings of love and compassion, furthering the emotional bond between two people. In short, hugging is a classic expression of empathy that can help us to connect with others and build a more compassionate world.”