Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (July 11 - July 17)

Cancer star sign. Picture: Max Pixel

Cancer star sign. Picture: Max Pixel

Published Jul 11, 2021


International astrologer Tanya Obreza let's us know what's in the stars this week.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

It could be difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction this week. If asked to referee family feuds, step away. You've more pressing issues to address. In all of this, take special care of yourself. Despite feeling energetic, it wouldn’t hurt to make a point of observing good health and safety precautions. Prevention’s always better than cure.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Many Taureans should finally hear news which puts an end to frustrating delays. Life feels anything but dull. It’s also a major money week, with cash flowing in as well as out. Neglected romance may also strengthen. Singles feel more confident about flaunting their assets, both personal and financial. Something for everyone, it seems.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Everyone seems to be in each other’s way this week and no one’s prepared to give way. You might think you’ve seen it all when it comes to others’ negligence, but past scenarios have been mere dress rehearsals. Fortunately all things and people eventually move on - so optimism, faith and money are bound to come out of their tail spin soon.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

You’ve so many things going for you right now, Cancer. This week’s new moon in your own sign starts to correct any recent glitches in your life. Venus in your financial sector could also provide opportunities. Sorting the good from the bad hasn’t been an easy process lately but, thankfully - the clarity you’re seeking comes by week’s end.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Despite being a natural entrepreneur, it’s not every day that you get a real financial break. Sure, some offers can look like great opportunities. There may have even been times when you’ve taken the bait before you saw the hook attached to it. This week appears more genuine, and generous.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

If it becomes clear that others are making unfair demands on you, don’t try too hard to accommodate them. Accept the fact that you can’t please all the people all the time. It’s never been more important to simply be yourself, without capitulating to others’ constant needs. Declare this a “me first” week.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

When you put your mind to something, you’re thorough. This week you tackle tasks you’ve been putting off over for ages: from re-establishing contact with old friends, to finally updating files and devices. At work, it’s the usual conflict: freedom versus a steady pay packet. Not to worry. By week’s end, life starts to settle.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Scorpios love to learn. Many are blessed with high intelligence, but you’re also smart enough to know that you don’t know everything. Unfortunately, someone may try to provoke you this week - so if they want an argument, you’ll happily oblige. But they’ll soon be sorry as you gain the upper hand, as always.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

While others map out a clear plan for the coming week, Sagittarians mull over the past. Recently, life has suffered a reality check. Seeing your inner strength put on the rack can be a queasy experience, but there are always lessons to be learned. Indeed, what you have sacrificed in recent months will soon be returned tenfold.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

In recent times, you stayed calm and did your best. No one could possibly have asked for more. This week, you start to make up for lost ground. One hint: work on your presentation. It’s all in the way you tell it and sell it. Even if the occasional hurdle does crop up, know that you’re a stayer who’s in for the win.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Aquarians are accomplished in many areas of their lives but now want to learn something new. If this is the case, do your homework in what you need to do next to propel you towards a new path. You can use past and present skills to help you or choose to do something which is totally off the grid. Either way, success beckons.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisceans work hard, but maybe it’s time to pass the baton to someone else for a while. This is a week for catching up on things that aren’t all that important and for paying attention to more pleasurable desires. Basically, this week’s Sun in your sector of fun suggests a touch of hedonism, if that’s what it takes to balance you out.

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