New app to help navigate lockdown

Published May 6, 2020


CAPE TOWN - Lockdown Bozza is a new Proudly South African web app created to help South Africans keep up-to-date with the Covid-19 lockdown, threat levels and restrictions.

Rahul Patel, Emma Patel, Adam Romyn and Ahren Posthumus developed the app to provide a service vital during the current times.

The platform displays a simple user interface making it easy to navigate and quick to inform by using colour codes of traffic lights (Red - Prohibited, Yellow - Restricted, Green - Allowed).

Starting up the platform allows you to select a province displaying the individual threat level, but also allows users to save various cities within each province adding them as a favourite.

The app displays a live curfew clock and nearly all restrictions within the current and all other threat levels.

With around 50 varying activities, ranging from exercise to education, each activity can be selected for a list of the particular rules and restrictions applied during each threat level highlighting the current one.

The web app is supported on multiple platforms, however mobile is recommended.

All information is provided by the South African Government, just simplified and categorised for the users convenience making this a handy app to use during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Check out the web app on

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