Surnames could determine who buys alcohol first during level 3 lockdown

Published May 15, 2020


DURBAN – Many South Africans breathed a sigh of relief on Wednesday night, May 13, after President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the country will soon be downgrading to lockdown level 3. Many are hoping to finally get their hands on cigarettes or alcohol. However, the National Command Council has to still iron out the finer details regarding level 3.

From June 1, alcohol will be sold to South Africans, again.

Liquor store owners are expecting chaos and have therefore thought of a different approach in liquor trading.

The Liquor Traders Association of South Africa (LTASA) has proposed a detailed plan to government stating the protocols and measures it will take to maintain physical distancing as well as limiting the volume of alcohol consumers are allowed to buy. They have agreed to restrict trading hours to between 8am and 12pm (noon) on weekdays.

In the proposal, customers’ surnames will determine whether they will be eligible to buy alcohol first and they will be requested to present their IDs to security.

On Monday and Wednesday, of the first week, only customers with surnames with the letter A to M will be permitted to purchase liquor. On Tuesday and Thursday only customers with surnames with the letter N to Z will be permitted to purchase liquor. While on Friday and Saturday of the first week, all customers will be permitted to purchase liquor.

Due to the concern of large crowds of consumers queuing to buy alcohol, LTASA has proposed to trade on Saturdays between 9am and 4pm. Consumers will be able to buy: -

• 120 cans of Beer / 60 returnable bottles of Beer

• 30 bottles of Wine

• 5 boxes of boxed Wine

• 5 bottles of Spirits / Liqueur

LTASA said: "This will also reduce congestion and the potential associated risks to employee and customer safety. This would also provide adequate time for employees to receive stock, repack shelves, and receive and prepare call and collect orders whilst also attending to the required health and safety protocols."

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