Cape Town - South Africa’s favourite DIY specialist and personality, SuzelleDIY, strikes again with yet another handy Covid-19 DIY gadget.
The last SuzelleDIY gadget we covered last was how to make your own reusable disinfectant wipes at home, which may still prove to be extremely useful helping cut costs on sanitary products.
Hardware stores are now fully operating and with the spare time at home, this is a great opportunity to jump into the simple DIY’s you could do around the house.
SuzelleDIY’s Youtube web series called ‘Suzellphabet’, releases a DIY clip weekly themed according to the following letter of the alphabet, with the latest release on ‘L for Lockdown’ the clip shows us how to make a foot-operated hand sanitising station at home.
In order to make the hand sanitizing gadget you will need 11 items that could be found around the house or bought at your local hardware store for fairly cheap, the items needed are:
- 1 small piece of wood
- 1 large wooden board
- 2 PVC pipes
- Elastic bands
- 1 Jar lid
- 2 PVC connectors
- 1 small L bracket
- 4 large L brackets
- 1 hinge
- 1 cup hook
- 1 suction cup
SuzelleDIY has covered DIY clips of how to make 3 simple face masks which is worth a watch too but stay tuned for more hacks and tricks with a new episode released every Tuesday.
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