How to smudge your home in 5 simple steps

The ancient practice of smudging clears low vibrations and stuck energies in the home.

The ancient practice of smudging clears low vibrations and stuck energies in the home.

Published Feb 26, 2018


According to The Spruce’s Rodika Tchi, smudging your home for the first time need not be intimidating or complicated, writes Marchelle Abrahams.

Smudging your home in 5 steps:

According to The Spruce’s Rodika Tchi, smudging your home for the first time need not be intimidating or complicated. What you’ll need:

- Smudge stick

- Candle and matches

- Fireproof container

- Bowl with sand

Step 1:

Give yourself at least

10-15 minutes of uninterrupted time. Start by placing the candle, smudge stick and fireproof container on an appropriate surface.

Step 2:

Light the candle and focus your energy. Light the tip of the smudge stick with the candle light and gently wave in the air until the tip begins to smoulder.

Step 3:

Be careful to hold the smudge stick over the fireproof container at all times to avoid any stray kindling from falling to the floor. Remember to stay connected to your breathing throughout the session.

READ: Clean your home's negative energy with smudging

Step 4:

Go clockwise around your home, starting at the front door, and gently wave the smoke in the air. Spend more time smudging corners because they tend to accumulate stagnant energy. Don’t forget to smudge inside cupboards, the laundry room and garage.

Step 5: Once all areas inside the home have been smudged, go back to where you started and gently extinguish the smudge stick in the bowl with sand.

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