Guide to your first solo date and why you should make it a regular thing

The most important relationship is to yourself, and more often than not, we leave the taking care of ourselves for our partners, which is unfair, to be honest. Picture: freepik

The most important relationship is to yourself, and more often than not, we leave the taking care of ourselves for our partners, which is unfair, to be honest. Picture: freepik

Published Jun 24, 2022


Going on a date is typically associated with romantic notions. But it seems that’s not the case anymore.

The most important relationship is to yourself, and more often than not, we leave the taking care of ourselves for our partners, which is unfair, to be honest.

Quality alone time can be empowering. It gives you time to rediscover yourself. Learn what your love language is, explore your boundaries and what you are most comfortable with.

We share so much of ourselves with the world: juggling professional lives, family, friendships, and romantic relationships are all demanding that when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we can hardly recognise the person staring back at us.

Despite the fact that we are unaware of it, we naturally morph into our partners. Which, in the opinion of experts, is not a negative thing because they think that imitation is brought about by our brains "merging" images of ourselves with those of another person. In other words, in some areas of the brain, your partner is perceived as "part of you."

Anyway, this time alone allows you to detach from the world. I can confidently say that you’ll learn to make your own decisions.

We’ve all been privy to the question: “Where do you want to eat or what do you want to eat ?”, which, at some point in our lives, we’ve failed to answer decisively. This gives you the opportunity to be selfish, probably no one told you this, but your first love is you, so work on you!

It takes a different kind of confidence to successfully date yourself. I know friends who, even walking in a mall alone, feel lonely in some way. Why is being alone so uncomfortable anyway? That’s something to ask in the next therapy session.

Going solo can be a weekly thing or date night once a month. It can be your definition of a good time without outside pressures. Reflect and recharge. Remind yourself that you’re worthy of this attention and care of yourself with some of these cute solo date ideas.

Pack snacks, towel and go to the beach. This is an easy first solo date idea.

Personally, I enjoy finding new spots around where I stay. I find it's fun to play tourist and also gives me a chance to experience new things. Maybe hop on to the red bus for a little sightseeing. Go to a museum or art gallery.

This is your life, and you don’t need someone holding your hand for you to experience some of its best moments.