Don’t Panic: tips and tricks to keep your cool

Tips and tricks from Lifebuoy to help you keep cool and calm when the chips are down. Pic: Supplied

Tips and tricks from Lifebuoy to help you keep cool and calm when the chips are down. Pic: Supplied

Published Nov 27, 2019


Life is hard as it currently stands. So the good people from Lifebuoy have come up with a few tips and tricks to help you keep cool under everyday pressure. 

Start Your Day With Fresh Confidence

Confidence, and having faith in yourself and your abilities, are key to staying cool under pressure. How you start your day will set the tone for the rest of it. So make sure you enjoy complete body odour confidence by using an effective yet gentle body and handwashing soap like Lifebuoy’s DeoFresh soap bar. This soap provides all-day protection against bacteria that could cause smelly armpits. So, follow your morning shower with a good quality antiperspirant and a spray of perfume or cologne and you will feel ready to climb mountains. 

Meditation man


Meditation is a well-known way to keep your mind calm, even when you’re surrounded by chaos and madness. Meditation helps to lower blood pressure, alleviate anxiety and manage depression. It really is the easiest way to help you to manage stress and – and the best thing about it is that it’s FREE! 

Get the blood pumping

Endorphins, AKA your happy hormones, are secreted when you exercise. Physical activity, like talking a walk or going for a quick jog, is a great way to get your brain to trigger the release of these feel-good chemicals for a natural happy high. 

Remember, it's all about perspective

If you’re feeling particularly panicked or stressed, you may want to take a few deep breaths and reframe your approach to the problem. So often, stress and anxiety are amplified because we feel alone and isolated. It may help to do a gratitude exercise in which you list the things you’re grateful for – which will remind you of how lucky you are to have friends, family, your health and other wonderful things in your life. If that doesn’t help, you may need to seek the help of a friend or a counsellor who can help you to develop a different view and angle on the challenge at hand. 

Remember, we are like tea bags, you only find out how strong you are when you’re in a bit of hot water. So stay the course and keep calm. You’ve got this! 

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