The do's and don'ts of facial peels

A series of chemical peels can effectively slow down the ageing process. (Supplied)

A series of chemical peels can effectively slow down the ageing process. (Supplied)

Published Nov 15, 2018


Chemical facial peels are a non-evasive and gentle way of removing the damaged outer layers of the skin. The facial peels can be used on any area of the body, the most common areas being the face, hands and chest. 

“A series of chemical peels can effectively slow down the ageing process,” says Dr Carmen Wilsenach, the Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentist at The Cosmetic and Dental Emporium’s (CDE) in Bryanston.  

A series of chemical peels can effectively slow down the ageing process. Supplied picture.

Peels improve hydration, skin barrier function, pigmentation, skin firmness, wrinkles, roughness, pore size and redness. Below Dr Carmen discusses the vital do’s and don’ts of a chemical peel:


Consult a professional for a gentle and effective chemical peel that is right for your skin type.

Very important that the skin care professional is informed of all medications you currently are taking or have taken within the last 6 months.

Remember to always use daily protection on your skin such as sunscreen or, moisturiser with a SPF.

Be Gentle - treat your skin with care and be careful not to be too harsh on your already fragile skin. Do not exfoliate or use a skin-cleansing device.

Book a series of treatments with your skin care professional for the best results.

Most importantly, wait for skin to peel off on its own.


Don’t try to do a chemical peel treatment yourself, research a skin care professional.

Don’t overexpose your skin to the sun.

Don’t use wax 1 week before and up to 1 week after treatments – stay away from any hair removal products.

Don’t touch your skin by picking off any skin that may be peeling.

Don’t sweat, so avoid any strenuous exercise until peeling is complete.

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