Tips on how to get rid of those unwanted bags under your eyes

You can’t hide puffy eyes. Picture: Pexels cottonbro

You can’t hide puffy eyes. Picture: Pexels cottonbro

Published Nov 3, 2022


Have you been up all night binge-watching your favourite series?

Have you been crying all night because he broke your heart?

Are your allergies acting up?

If your answer is yes to any of the questions, then you’re probably sitting with unsightly bags under your eyes.

Puffy eyes don’t go away immediately and while concealer can work wonders on dark circles, no amount of concealer can cover up puffy eyes!

However, there are a few tricks, besides the good old cucumber slices on the eye trick, that you can try to speed up the de-puffing.

Tea bags: don’t throw away your used tea bags. Especially green tea. The antioxidants and caffeine in the tea help tighten the skin. Moisten them in a bowl of ice water. Then place them over your eyes for 20 minutes.

Don’t discard used tea bags. Picture: Pexels Xuân Thống Trần

Ice water: a few splashes of ice-cold water on your face is a sure way to wake you up. Splashing your face with cold water (as cold as you can tolerate) is a quick and easy way to reduce swelling.

Or you can end your shower routine with a quick burst of cold water. If you have more time, soak a cloth in ice water and place it over your eyes for 10 minutes.

Splash cold water on your face. Picture: Unsplash

Spoons: if you are prone to waking up with puffy eyes or you get home after a long night of partying and drinks, then place two spoons in the fridge before you go to bed. The next morning place the spoons over your eyes.

Use chilled spoons. Picture: Pexels karolina Grabowska

Massaging: gently massage around the eye area to increase circulation in the area. Don’t rub too hard, because it is a very sensitive area.